Angel of New Life and Rebirth - April 2016

Let go of all that no longer suits you, that you have outgrown.
Let go of the attitudes that bind you to lower vibrations.
Embrace the New, the Youthful, the Realm of all Possibility.
A wise wo/man thinks s/he can, and s/he is right.
The essence of Life is Prayer and Prayer is nothing more than talking to God.
The Mystic is one who hears God. Embrace that for yourself.
Listen to your babies. They are your teachers.
Many come with messages to you from Spirit. Hear them.
Stand in the middle of your South Star, for you are as blinding as the Sun.
Radiate your Light from the center of your “Be”-ing
                As you rightfully take your place as the co-creator of this Universe.

- The Angel of New Life and Rebirth


Deva of Love - May 2016


St. Michael - March 2016