The Restorative Power of Energy Healing—EP38
with Alice “Alicja” Jones by Wickedly Smart Women
May 13, 2020
Chakras, Auras, and Subtle Bodies
Interview of Alice “Alicja” Jones by Roz Kincaid for VoiceAmerica on March 25, 2020.
Spirituality and Money
Interview of Alice “Alicja” Jones by Conscious Nation Radio.
Dr. Jeanette Gallagher
For a free newsletter from Dr. Jeanette with session specials, visit:
A Year of Meditations to Heal and Regain Your Power
Dr. Jeanette welcomes Alicja Jones, author of Own Your Own Power; Day by Day to share how her guidebook to this new existence.
The human mind, the spiritual path, the path of the ego; where are we headed and what are we doing? How is life changing?
Can you really just exist in the moment and not create a future as we used to do?
When you get messages from spirit; are you listening or do you know how to encrypt their words?
Can you accept the journey in the moment; see the cycle of it and know that it will ebb and flow in energy?
Just what is power all about and does it drive your bus?
Interview of Alice “Alicja” Jones
on All Business Media FM