St. Michael - March 2016
You cannot change anyone else, you can only change yourself. Change yourself and the world changes with you.
You bring about change as you change. You effect change as you change. All vibration starts with you.
You do not live in a vacuum.
Everything you do has merit and bearing upon the rest of the world. There is no Where that you do not exist.
Your vibration is part of the vibration of the world.
Vibrate High – you elevate. Vibrate low – you depress.
Bring forth what you know in Love. It all starts with Love. Love is the glue that holds the Etheric Fabric of the Universe together.
At time, you put pressure on the etheric fabric of the Earth, enough to smother her.
You exist in the etheric plane of the Earth, nowhere else.
You hold the Fabric of the Universe in your hands. Why is it called the Etheric
Fabric? Because it exists on the etheric plane of Earth. Hold it well.
You have all the courage you need inside of you. Sense that it is Real. When you need reinforcement, call upon me, for
I am the Archangel of Courage.
- St. Michael