Deva of Love - May 2016

Bring forth your joy, your loveliness, your merriment, your delight. Bring forth that what you excel in, that which you hope and dream of, for it is on the cusp of today that all your desires make manifest.
Bring forth the patience within you to endure that which no longer serves you but is still in your life, for you will be rewarded with a peaceful demeanor.
Bring forth the tolerance within you, for those who are tolerant of the deeds and words and actions of another will shift the paradigm of the Earth.
Bring forth your empathy for the lowly, for those who live in desperation, in fear, in trauma, for you will enable them to find another way.
Bring forth your abundance for all of creation, just as your Creator has, for there is room enough for all to share in the banquet of life.
Bring forth your inclusion of all faiths, all cultures, all races, all nationalities, all customs, for everyone is welcome in the Kingdom of God, Buddha, Yeshua, Krishna or Mohammed, or any other name you call the energy of the Prime Creator.
Bring forth your knowledge that all men are created with the same gifts, that they are responsible for recognizing that within themselves, and developing their own skills.
Bring forth your wisdom that each soul has a purpose on this earth, no matter how brief their stay may be.
Remember that each soul shines brightly in spirit, no matter what role they play on Earth. 

- Deva of Love


Helios - July 2016


Angel of New Life and Rebirth - April 2016