Learn How to Channel Your Guides
Highlights of this class will include:
Guidelines to follow while channeling
The Prayer of Connection
Practice exercises to clear your left brain
Saturday, April 22
10:00 - 12:30 pm
Class Fee: $30.00
The Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
222 N Washington St.
Falls Church, VA 22046
*Bring a journal to take notes!
If you do not have a journal, a writing tablet will be given to you along with the class handout.
Please follow the The CSE's COVID requirements
ZOOM Event: Corona Virus - Fact vs Myth
What is the metaphysical meaning of the coronavirus? Why is it here? What are we supposed to learn from it? Join Alice "Alicja" Jones at 7:30pm EST to find out why! Be sure to stick after the presentation for a guided "Heart Meditation for Lightworkers" facilitated by Marypat Renstrom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 645 916 9705
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Spiritual Readings and Past Life Readings
Spiritual and Past Life Readings
Focus will be on clearing out certain blockages that keep you from accomplishing your goals.
Alice has channelled the Cosmic realm for over 50 years and brings her special skills to help you expand your skills, give you information that many times confirms what you have suspected but did not want to face. Her skills make it easier for you to accept what it is that you need to do, what actions you need to take to remedy the situation, to move forward in your life.
Sometimes, what you may have thought of as limitations end up as Blessings. Alice helps you put a different lens in your camera, helps you see things from a different perspective.
A copy of Alice's book "Own Your Power Day by Day" will be raffled off.
Spiritual Readings and Past Life Readings
Spiritual Readings and Past Life Readings
Alice has channelled the Cosmic realm for over 50 years and brings her special skills to help you expand your skills, give you information that many times confirms what you have suspected but did not want to face. Her skills make it easier for you to accept what it is that you need to do, what actions you need to take to remedy the situation, to move forward in your life.
Sometimes, what you may have thought of as limitations end up as Blessings. Alice helps you put a different lens in your camera, helps you see things from a different perspective. A copy of Alice's book "Own Your Power Day by Day" will be raffled off.
Facebook Live: Spiritual and Past Life Readings
Join Alicja live on Facebook for a chance to receive a free mini spiritual or past life reading!
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Facebook Live: Spiritual and Past Life Readings
Join Alicja live on Facebook for a chance to receive a free mini spiritual or past life reading!
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Spiritual Readings and Past Life Readings
Spiritual Readings and Past Life Readings
Alice has channelled the Cosmic realm for over 50 years and brings her special skills to help you expand your skills, give you information that many times confirms what you have suspected but did not want to face. Her skills make it easier for you to accept what it is that you need to do, what actions you need to take to remedy the situation, to move forward in your life.
Sometimes, what you may have thought of as limitations end up as Blessings. Alice helps you put a different lens in your camera, helps you see things from a different perspective. A copy of Alice's book "Own Your Power Day by Day" will be raffled off.
Facebook Live: Past Lives – Understanding How They Influence this Lifetime
Join Alicja live on Facebook to learn about the importance of past lives in this current lifetime. Several attendees will have the opportunity to get a Past Life Reading! TWO sessions (~30 minutes each) will be recorded. You won’t want to miss this!
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Facebook Live: Past Lives – Understanding How They Influence this Lifetime
Join Alicja live on Facebook to learn about the importance of past lives in this current lifetime. Several attendees will have the opportunity to get a Past Life Reading! TWO sessions (~30 minutes each) will be recorded. You won’t want to miss this!
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Attitudes About Money
Alice will discuss and explain how your attitude is holding back your desire to be comfortable, to have financial independence, and/or to be wealthy. This is an interactive class. Alice will also raffle off a copy of her book: "Own Your Power: Day by Day". One lucky attendee will have a chance to win a copy of her outstanding book of daily meditations.
Friday, October 18, 2019
7 - 9 pm
Facebook Live: Past Lives – Understanding How They Influence this Lifetime
Join Alicja live on Facebook to learn about the importance of past lives in this current lifetime. Several attendees will have the opportunity to get a Past Life Reading! Three sessions (15-20 minutes each) will be recorded. You won’t want to miss this!
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Attitudes About Money
Alice will discuss and explain how your attitude is holding back your desire to be comfortable, to have financial independence, and/or to be wealthy. This is an interactive class. Alice will also raffle off a copy of her book: "Own Your Power: Day by Day". One lucky attendee will have a chance to win a copy of her outstanding book of daily meditations.
Friday, October 18, 2019
7 - 9 pm
Facebook Live: Past Lives – Understanding How They Influence this Lifetime
Join Alicja live on Facebook to learn about the importance of past lives in this current lifetime. Several attendees will have the opportunity to get a Past Life Reading! Three sessions (15-20 minutes each) will be recorded. You won’t want to miss this!
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Past Lives - Understanding How They Influence this Lifetime
Past Lives – Understanding How They Influence this Lifetime – A discussion of the importance of past lives in this lifetime
Friday, September 20
7 - 9 pm
Each attendee will get a spiritual or past life reading! She will also raffle off a copy of her book “Own Your Power Day by Day. “ Each attendee will get a chance to win a copy of her outstanding book of daily meditations.
Facebook Live: Past Lives – Understanding How They Influence this Lifetime
Join Alicja live on Facebook to learn about the importance of past lives in this current lifetime. Four attendees will have the opportunity to get a Past Life Reading!
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Past Lives - How They Influence This Lifetime
Every attendee will be given the opportunity to have a short past life reading.
8996 Burke Lake Road, (Back Entrance) Suite 106, Burke, VA 22015
Alice has channeled the Cosmic realm for over 50 years and is excited about being able to bring her skills to help you expand your skills. She has heard voices since she was four years old and brings her own brand of enthusiasm to her teachings.
Typically, various classes are held every 3rd Friday of the month. $20
Register on either my website: www.alicjajones.com
or on Meet-up – Intuitive Wellness Center.
Facebook Live: Releasing Burdens Continued
Join Alicja live on Facebook on Friday, May 31 from 1-2pm. She will lead viewers on a Guided Imagery Meditation Featuring Introspection and Breathing Techniques, and Conscious Relaxation.
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Mudras - The Sacred Hand Gestures of India
Learn How They Can Teach Openness, Tolerance, Compassion, Courage and 16 Other Traits
Facebook Live
Join Alicja live on Facebook on Tuesday, February 26 from 12:15-1:15pm.
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Psychometry - the Art of Reading Objects
PLEASE BRING AT LEAST ONE OR TWO ITEMS TO CLASS WHOSE HISTORY YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITHand PLACE IT IN THE BOX THAT WILL BE AT THE TABLE BY THE DOOR. Do not let anyone see what you are placing there. Something with some “history” to it will make this more challenging and fun.
Alice Jones has channeled Spirit for over 50 years. She is the Lead Minister of Rays of Healing. Church in Falls Church and is the author of “Own Your Power Day by Day” a Daily Meditation Guide to healing emotional, mental and spiritual Blockages to becoming your Higher Self.
Facebook Live: How to Increase Your Intuition
Join Alicja live on Facebook on Friday, January 10 from 12-1pm to learn how to increase your intuition.
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Calling All Starseeds: Channelling Sananda and St. Michael
Speaker: Alice "Alicja" Jones
For all those who seek Enlightenment from the Spiritual realm. Each participant will get to ask a question (or two). We are all Starseeds. We all come from Light. At the end of the session – time permitting - All participants will get a chance to practice their skills of reading someone under the guidance of Sananda and St. Michael.
Intuitive Wellness Center, 8996 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015
Beltway, W Braddock Rd, L Burke Lake Rd, L Rolling Road, IMMEDIATE LEFT INTO PARKING LOT.
Building is the Kings Park Professional Building and is on the left.
Go in the back door and up the elevator to Suite # 303.
To RSVP or ask questions, please call Gina Maybury: 703-629-0925 or visit IWC's Meet-up page.
Facebook Live: Guiding Principles in Reiki II - Ways to Free Ourselves From Constricting Beliefs
Join Alicja live on Facebook on Monday, December 10 from 1-2pm for an interesting talk on the “Guiding Principles in Reiki II - Ways to Free Ourselves From Constricting Beliefs.”
Make sure to subscribe to my free e-newsletter and like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other events!
Calling All Starseeds: Channelling Sananda and St. Michael
Speaker: Alice "Alicja" Jones
For all those who seek Enlightenment from the Spiritual realm. Each participant will get to ask a question (or two). We are all Starseeds. We all come from Light. At the end of the session – time permitting - All participants will get a chance to practice their skills of reading someone under the guidance of Sananda and St. Michael.
Intuitive Wellness Center, 8996 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015
Beltway, W Braddock Rd, L Burke Lake Rd, L Rolling Road, IMMEDIATE LEFT INTO PARKING LOT.
Building is the Kings Park Professional Building and is on the left.
Go in the back door and up the elevator to Suite # 303.
To RSVP or ask questions, please call Gina Maybury: 703-629-0925 or visit IWC's Meet-up page.
Live Video on Facebook: Reiki III, Part 2
FaceBook Live on Oct. 26 featured three portion of Reiki III – Crystal Healing, Text explanations, and a demonstration of Healing with Reiki and with Metatron’s Healing Methods – 2 Methods taught. Each session is just over 1 hour of viewing time and is also posted on You Tube.
FACEBOOK LIVE On November 12 will continue instruction about Reiki III – Cleansing the Aura - From 1:15 – 2 pm.
Make sure to like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other updates!
Mischievous Faeries & How They Impact Your Life--A 5th Dimensional Experience
Speaker: Alice "Alicja" Jones
Learn about who these mischievous faeries are and where they exist. Alice will be sharing examples from her own personal life. Please bring examples from your own life and experiences.
Intuitive Wellness Center, 8996 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015
Beltway, W Braddock Rd, L Burke Lake Rd, L Rolling Road, IMMEDIATE LEFT INTO PARKING LOT.
Building is the Kings Park Professional Building and is on the left.
Go in the back door and up the elevator to Suite # 303.
To RSVP or ask questions, please call Gina Maybury: 703-629-0925 or visit IWC's Meet-up page.
Live Video on Facebook
Continuing Walking Between Dimensions: Those Incorrigible Faeries and Other Elementals
Make sure to like my facebook page to get notifications of my live videos and other updates!
Forgiveness: How to Get Off the Wheel of Karma
Speaker: Alice "Alicja" Jones
Learning how to forgive someone is one of the three basic reasons we come to planet earth. We discuss many aspects of how this is difficult to do but how essential to our well-being. We learn how to align with our Higher Self.
Intuitive Wellness Center, 8996 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015
Beltway, W Braddock Rd, L Burke Lake Rd, L Rolling Road, IMMEDIATE LEFT INTO PARKING LOT.
Building is the Kings Park Professional Building and is on the left.
Go in the back door and up the elevator to Suite # 303.
To RSVP or ask questions, please call Gina Maybury: 703-629-0925 or visit IWC's Meet-up page.
Forgiveness and Releasing Anger
Speaker: Alice "Alicja" Jones
Interactive Questions and Exercises that will help you rid your body of the anger that has been stored there, in most cases, for lifetimes. This meditation will help you release trauma suffered from relationships: parental, spousal, marriage, family, significant others. It covers physical ailments, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages.
Intuitive Wellness Center, 8996 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015
Beltway, W Braddock Rd, L Burke Lake Rd, L Rolling Road, IMMEDIATE LEFT INTO PARKING LOT.
Building is the Kings Park Professional Building and is on the left.
Go in the back door and up the elevator to Suite # 303.
To RSVP or ask questions, please call Gina Maybury: 703-629-0925 or visit IWC's Meet-up page.