Phylos - April 08, 2013

Monday, 08 April 2013 Light and Truth Within - Phylos, Keeper of the Akashic Records

Channeling with Phylos (cont'd from 6/04/09)

Phylos, Keeper of the Akashic Records.

Alice: Provided I am in the Hall of Records in the 5th dimension, what will I see?

Phylos: Each person's experience is different. you already have had your own. Each person is given exactly the information they need at the moment they ask for it. Sometimes a person's ego flares up and rejects as untenable the information it is given.

Alice: Untenable?

Phylos: Unworkable, not something they want to hear, so they dismiss it and grope in the darkness for other "workable" solutions that will not solve their problems, but ones which are more palatable to the ego. This is what keeps people trapped in victimhood. "Your greatest strengths are sometimes viewed as your greatest weaknesses by your ego." You have heard that before. It came from me. (This same "truth" is also reiterated in A Course in Miracles.)

Alice: Can we each access our Akashic Records anytime we wish to help us with any problem or impasse we are having in our life?

Phylos: They can only be access in the stillness of your mind. Some can get there instantly. Others take a little more time. Yes, they can be accessed by each of you as you need information to help you move mountains, boulders, or pebbles.

Phylos, Keeper of the Akashic Records


Phylos - April 12, 2013


Phylos - April 05, 2013