May 2020 - The Devic Kingdom
May - The Month of Magic - Devic Kingdom
May the Kingdom in miniature spring forward with new Life and Renew and Refresh the Earth.
May the Winds of Earth, as guided by the Sylphs, energize the four corners of the Earth, in Harmony and Peace and Love.
May the fire, as guided by the Salamanders, relax its grip to allow the Regeneration to occur from last year's Devastation.
May the Waters, as guided by the Undines, get relief from the pollution clogging their arteries.
May the Oceans heave out the trash flowing into them from all tributaries around the planet.
May the Earth, under the dominion of the Gnomes with its assortments of beings, renew their grip from fighting off the poisons being applied unmercifully around the globe.
May all the Pollinators and other insects who are leaving be restored in vitality to be able to do the job they were designed to do.
May all this be done in conjunction with the Blessing from the Devic Kingdom, the miniature caretakers of the Earth.
- The Devic Kingdom