April 2019 - Jesus the Christ
The old way was "Take up your cross and follow me".
The new way is for me to help you with all the burdens you feel.
We are a partnership.
We travel together in the fields of NOW!
Where together, we create - a collaboration that is bigger than both of us.
No obstacles need be stumbling blocks.
No passages too narrow for us to traverse through.
No inclines too steep to keep us from mastering them.
Practice what you wish to achieve.
Keep working on all that you wish to achieve. Nothing will be denied you.
What do you want? Think through the details.
"You need do nothing" except align with the Divine Be-ing of your soul.
Your glory and the Grace of God will be inside you.
We assist you, we love you, we bless you, we honor you and all your endeavors and achievements.
- Jesus the Christed One