May 2017 - St. Michael

Have faith, my child, that you are in the final stages of completion. Your chores are yet done. You can run away all you want, you can procrastinate, but you cannot eliminate your soul contract, your responsibility, what you came here to accomplish.
Be prepared for another toboggan slide down a steep slope: more rush than you would like, more frenzied activity, but more accomplishment than you dream of.
Let go of the past prejudices that bind you. No more “waiting for permission” from anyone. You give yourself “permission." Do not give these obstacles any more weight than they deserve.
Bring forth your peace to all men so all men swim at the same depth you swim. Float to the surface only when you need a rest, for the work ahead of you is not going to seem like work at all.
Have a lovely day today. Finish up the projects you have on hand.
Blessed be the powerful, for they shall step with God.
St. Michael


June 2017 - Angel of Blessings


April 2017 - Higher Self