Earth Angel of Blessings - August 2016
Bless my family – Those whom I have chosen to incarnate with on this planet.
Bless my children and my grandchild, for they will keep the faith going that mankind is truly the steward of the Earth.
Bless the animals who are our pets, for they teach us about loyalty and unconditional Love.
Bless our wild animals, for they are entrusted with the care and balance of the Earth.
Bless the Wild Kingdom in all of its manifestations: animal, vegetable and mineral.
Bless all the unspoiled places of the Earth, for they are majestic.
Bless the Nature Spirits, for they work ceaselessly to keep our Earth in balance.
Bless the war-torn areas of our Earth, for they may know Peace in our day and Peace in our night.
Bless the Thanksgiving that many give, for their gratitude circles the Earth and become the light that shines through the darkness.
Bless the hills and valleys, the rivers and streams, the mountains and plains, the endless bountiful land that supports us, Mother Earth, for she is our home.
Bless our family, no matter what the composition, for it provides us a safe haven for our bodies until we can provide one for ourselves.
Bless us all, Everyone!
- Earth Angel of Blessings