St. Germaine - April 2015

Dear Heavenly Father,
Bless our journey, Bless our Faith, Bless all the Beings who accompany us on this planet in our trek through life.

Guide our steps when we falter, pick us up when we fall. Carry us when we are too weary and too burned out to go one.

Bless all our efforts, for even the least amongst us bring a gift to the table.

Nourish us at this banquet called life and encourage us to share our means with those less fortunate than us.
Help us see the light in others when we seem to see only darkness.

Allow Your Grace to become the bridge of Light between all of us on Earth, so we see only the commonality, not the differences.

Bring us laughter to lighten our load and music to help us sing a song of praise to all our brethren.

Open us to wisdom, to understanding, to Love, to Truth, to Compassion, to Mercy, for ourselves as well as for others.

Comfort us in our time of transition, especially to those who so greatly fear death.
We thank You for bringing us a new day , a new beginning, a new joy, a leap of Faith when we feel defeated and downtrodden.

We thank you for the Angels who minister to all of us since we are all in this together.

We thank you for this great opportunity to be everlastingly in the Light of Your Grace.
Peace, and Love, and Joy Forevermore.

- St. Germaine


Source - May 2015


Angel of Mercy, A Guiding Angel - March 2015