Sananda, the Cosmic Christ - July 2015

May your gentleness soothe and balm the wounds of those who struggle for freedom and justice
                For they will be comforted
May your kindness shine through the darkest hour of those who struggle for the right to express their own light
                For their efforts will be rewarded
May your joy spread to those who weep for equality and recognition as a human
                Their wounds will heal
May your goodness stay a beacon of Light for those who toil with no reward and no promise of a better life
                They, too, will expand into the Light
May your mercy extend to all Nations and generations who wait in patience as injustices are heaped on them
                For, they, too, will feel the Light of Grace
May your tolerance suspend the belief that only the Chosen Ones will see God
                For You All are Chosen

Sananda, the Cosmic Christ


Mother Earth - August 2015


Angelic Realm - June 2015