Angel of Peace - December 2015
"Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me."
How can we, mortal men, achieve it? I ask my Angels
A Chorus answers:
Let go of the need to always have things "Your way."
Let go and Let God.
What is best for you always shows up in the end anyway.
Let go of the need to control.
The other
The outcome
The trajectory of events.
Let go of the need to convert others
To your point of view
To your religion
To your way of thinking
To your politics.
Admire the Genius around you
The Architect of Form, the Deva, brings God's angels to earth with her flowers
Your architects of shelter, whether designing the smallest enclosure to the tallest skyscraper,
touch into the Mind of God, but then, so do all of your creators.
Appreciate your life. Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude and the Universe will continue to send more to be Grateful for.
Can there be Peace on Earth?
Absolutely! Their resounding reply.