Jesus the Christ - Wednesday, 06 March 2013

Wednesday, 06 March 2013

Light and Truth Within - Jesus the Christ

Bring forth your gifts to a starving crowd. Bring forth your gifts of love and compassion and mercy to those you feel are closed to any words of Spirit as well as to those who are open to them. No one can come to understanding Spirit's message before their time. Allow each to unfold their own petals at their own speed. Nothing can be forced, nothing can be rushed.

Jesus depicted as the Good Shepherd (stained glass at St John's Ashfield)

I left instruction on how to live in Spirit while in body to the masses. Words of mine were distorted and confused when used by those who sought only worldly power. My words, "My kingdom is not of this world" only confused and perplexed them. Your job now on earth to align both matter into Spirit and Spirit into matter, a grand experiment that has not been tried before.

You are all achieving that Divine Purpose by your thoughts, words, and deed. Your continued alignment with Source brings you to a place of understanding that you could not have achieved on your own. We, your Guides, Teachers, Ascended Masters, Angels, and Archangels bring you the courage and fortitude to keep going.

We bless you. We love you. We honor your courage to keep going in spite of insurmountable odds. We respect your dedication to the Divine purpose and to Spirit's message and admire your resilience in the face of adversity.

Jesus the Christ


Holy Spirit, the Voice for God - Thursday, 07 March 2013


Jesus the Christ - Monday, 04 March 2013