Thomas Jefferson - April 17, 2011

April 17, 2011

The Light and Truth Within – Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson, State Room Portrait.

No man is free who is not educated and your education system is in a shambles. Only the strongest teachers will survive for the lack of support for your teachers is now appalling. That will all change as the teachers start to demand what they know is rightfully theirs. The dam has burst! Nothing will stop them now.

Together, they are so outraged that they will progress as a collective unit to demand the conditions they know are conducive for learning. They struggle greatly just to bring order into the chaos they are faced with daily. No more! They know what they need and will organize marches and protests that will be heard around the world.

Only those children who truly desire one type of education need to be confined in a classroom. Other children have other needs. Not all children occupy the same line of reasoning; so many have other skills and interests that need to be tapped. Your current school environment makes no provisions for the individual needs and talents of these children.

New schools will come out of the current fare – born from the ashes of the current systems that are not addressing the needs of today’s children. When each child is aware of what each other child is thinking and feeling, children will be taught about the energy systems that are not addressed now. Telepathy and energy healing and balancing will be common. Nothing will be hidden because nothing can be hidden. The new children incarnating today are coming in with a DNA structure that allows them to comprehend ten times more than the current children. All will have a place in society. There is room for everyone’s talents. Growth will be exponential to the interests of each child, even if that means “playing” at a tea party day after day.

Your future scientists are already here on the planet. They will come together as a collective unit and teach about the merkaba, the individual “spaceship” that surrounds the body and can access any part of the Universe you wish to visit. Let no man drug these children, for they are your future.

Thomas Jefferson 4/17/11


The Elohim of Creation - April 22, 2011


The Karmic Board - April 4, 2011