Holy Spirit, the Voice for God - March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

The Light and Truth Within - Holy Spirit, the Voice for God

Healing comes in many forms. There is the healing of the body, to be sure, but there is also a healing of the mind and a healing of the spirit, which is aligned with the healing of the emotions.

Those of you who are aware know that the body is a self-healing mechanism. Others have to rely on artificial means: drugs and surgery. Know that what you believe in is what is going to work for you. Those of you who believe in alternative solutions: energy healing in all its forms, prayers, homeopathy, all non-invasive means, will achieve results through these methods. Those of you who believe in medication and surgery will achieve results through these methods. The body but displays the symptoms of what the mind has wrought. Of itself, it is neutral.

The difficulty you encounter in the healing of the mind is that you have two minds within you: ego mind and Spirit mind. The ego mind, what most of humanity is aligned with, needs to be quieted and calmed. At its worst, the ego mind takes you off on tangents that presents the worst case scenarios and call it fact. All perception comes from the ego and each person’s perception is going to vary according to their own filters. Thus, there will be scant agreement amongst the ego minds of the world as to which way is correct, but there will be tremendous chaos.

The Spirit mind is connected to Source and needs no healing, it simply needs to be heard. Spirit mind is that gentle quiet voice within that champions every positive action it presents to you. You have to be calm to hear it. Even though calmness is not an attitude common to most of you, it is an attitude that can be cultivated. Spirit mind never leaves you. Just as the eye of the hurricane exists in the center of the storm, Spirit mind can always be accessed in the center of your heart. This is where the Holy Spirit, the Voice for God lives, right in the center of your heart exactly in the same place where the three-fold flame lives that connects you to Source.

To access your Spirit mind, gently calm and quiet yourself. Visualize and place yourself just under the surface of the ocean and allow your thoughts to filter through the water deeper and deeper until you are sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor. This will take some time, so enjoy the descent downwards. Calmly stay there until a door appears, the door to the center of your heart. Approach the door and open it. Inside, in the center of the chamber, will be an altar and upon the altar sits the living three-fold flame that connects you to Source. Within this chamber, deep within the center of your heart, lives the Holy Spirit, the Voice for God. Visualize the Holy Spirit, the Voice for God, as a dove, if that is comforting to you. Otherwise, simply look at the three-fold flame and ask the questions that have been turning your life upside down and listen for the message that will be forthcoming. Record the answers you hear. When your questions are finished, say a short prayer of gratitude to the three-fold flame, turn around and approach the door you entered. Open the door, visualize yourself ascending to the surface from the bottom of the ocean and gently come back to your physical reality.

You can return here anytime you wish. Repeat this visualization meditation daily until you feel a connection to the Holy Spirit, the Voice for God, so strongly that you can hear the Voice throughout your day.

With Love and Light,

The Holy Spirit, the Voice for God


Jesus the Christ - March 14, 2011


Universal Mind – March 09, 2011