St. Michael - February 22, 2011

February 22, 2011

The Light and Truth Within - St. Michael

Archangel St. Michael, painted by Guido Reni.

If you lived in a state of perpetual “light” would you even know what “light” was? It is the contrast that brings you the understanding. Can you know what “up” is you have no concept of “down?” “High” if no concept of “low?” “Big” if no concept of “little?” The contrast solidifies your contract. You choose to come here to experience another state of “reality,” a “reality” of your making. This is just “you” finding another part of “you” to experience, my child. There is no good or bad about it. It is all of your choosing.

Every hurricane has an eye where only stillness resides. The hurricane some of you call your life also has an eye, a place of perfect stillness that resides in the center of your heart. No one can live without a heart. Even though some parts of you can be replaced, should your heart be replaced, you bring the other person’s stillness into you. You are not this little helpless person who is buffeted by every storm, swayed by every persuasion, victimized by every bully, and left in a crumbled heap on the floor of your life. You are not that. You are a piece of God – a trillionth share of God – you have the same power to create as God creates, through thought. You come from Spirit, you return to Spirit. You maintain contact with all the other aspect of Self and all your loved ones, but the veil is thick, just as a smokescreen is thick. But how much substance does a smokescreen have? None! How many are willing to plow through the smokescreen to get to the other side?

How do you even plow through the smokescreen? Through meditation and contemplation, through the silence in your own heart, through the three-fold flame that exists inside you. Approach the stillness with respect and reverence, for it is the stillness that connects you to the highest aspect of Self. Breathe through everything else. Solutions to all your problems paths to your endeavors are revealed to you in the stillness of your breath, the stillpoint that you pass from apex of inbreath to outbreath, from outbreath to inbreath. Soon you become your Higher Self as you learn there is no distinction between self and Self. Just as there is no difference in miracles, “one is not harder or bigger than the other,” there is no distinction in Selves, one is not more connected than the other. One is simply more aware than the other. Higher Self can be a misnomer. It can only be applied to awareness, a concept not impossible to you to grasp in this lifetime.

Yes, because you have had such a a difficult time accepting Spirit’s call for your Self, because you know the anxiety and tremors that people go through when asked to align with their Spirit mind, qualify and discern what it is that you wish to have appear in your life. It will show up. “Ask and ye shall receive” was promised you by Master Jesus when he walked the earth. You will never be denied what you ask for. You decide what makes your life “tick,” accept what you wish to show up, reject what you do not wish to have. You even have the right to reject your own creations.

Let nothing stand in the way of your surfacing to the top and gasping your breath of freedom from the confines and restrictions of ego. All the years of preparation, study, classes, courses, workshops are paying off. Each time you bring us in to help you, you acknowledge the Higher aspect of Self that is connected to the Creator. It is you speaking through the assistance of all the aspects of Self that connect you to Prime Source.

I Am your badge of Courage, St Michael 2/22/11


First Blog Post - March 7, 2011


Jesus the Christed One - February 20, 2011